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A classmate of Karen's at The Nightingale School of Nursing, Toronto. Ontario

Marian Luxton

Dear Karen's family, 

As you gather today on P.EI. I will be holding you all in my heart. Although I live on the other side of the country, and have not seen Karen for years, I have vivid memories of her kindness, he brilliant smile, and her infectious laughter. She was always there to help whenever needed, and Karen knew the true meaning of friendship.

I was so saddened to hear of her death, and I know she has joined our classmates, - Barb, Jackie, Brenda, Edie, Linda.. Blessings to you all. Karen was so proud of her family.

" Silently, one by one, in the infinite meadows of Heaven; blossomed the lovely stars, the Forget-Me-Nots of Angels." Longfellow

Much love, Marian Luxton Protection Island, B.C.


Debi Fitzpatrick

I feel privileged to have known Karen and consider her a friend. Although I have known her for a relatively short time, she left a big impression. Karen was so intensely interested in so many varied things and by the people around her. She made you feel special by her focused listening to what you had to say. She shined at sharing with you these special interests in her own unique way. When I visited with her in Nov., she took pride in showing her beautiful quilts, showed us the notes she has made for several years on the books she read for her book clubs, how she was progressing with her French by reading and discussing what she read [and underlining and looking up what she didn't know], and teaching Betty Ann and I how to make her delightful gnomes [plus sending us home with all the precut materials to make more of them]. We still have the kits to do with the kids for Christmas and will make sure that they are reminded of her legacy and joy in sharing her special talents. I loved playing cards with her and trying our hand at trivia. She made sure I was properly introduced to Doc Martin. To all of Karen's family- I am so sorry for your loss. She was a very special person who enriched the lives of those around her.

My memories of Karen

Veronica Grandy

Karen and I met at Tai Chi classes a few years ago. Her pleasant nature was evident from the very first day she joined us.

This was reinforced on a trip to the Magdelan Islands where a group of us attended an Intensive for Tai chi. She acknowledged everyone with such a big smile and friendly conversation. She was such fun to be around and we soon learned that she was totally genuine and sincere.

There was a period of time that I didn't see her as she had a knee operation and wasn't able to be with our group.

However, we met again at the Senior's Active Living Centre where we got to play bridge together. Our group was so happy if we could get Karen to sub for one of our members.

From there, Maureen Paquet, Diane Flood and I formed a bridge group with Karen. Her lovely nature shone again.

We had great laughs and didn't take things too seriously. We had such fun together as a group and looked foreward to the times we could get together.

Karen was a beautiful person and is certainly missed.



Teachers Loved Nana K

Khuloud Solomon, Austin, TX

I was fortunate to meet Nana K when she came down to Texas a couple of times to hang out with her granddaughters who were my wee students then. She was one of those rare grandparents who were a teacher's dream. I felt that she saw us teachers as an important part of her granddaughters' lives. She supported our school's routines and made sure the girls were on time, and followed up with us at the end of each day she was in charge of the girls. We absolutely adored Nana K!

Fare Thee Well

Genevieve Dubois

“That is your legacy on this Earth when you leave this Earth: how many hearts you touched.” —Patti Davis


I had the privilege of meeting Karen and Dennis in the summer of 2009. Although it was only for a short time, they were both quick to take me (and my dog Phoebe) into the family fold. Karen was so kind, supportive. generous, caring, and lovely to be around. I admired her very much. From making good Nova Scotia fishcakes to quilting to edging a garden she taught me a lot during those few years. I was sad when we lost touch and a part of my heart is missing knowing that she’s gone. I will greatly cherish the fond memories I have of her.


To Dennis, Rob, Michelle, Mike, and Marianne, what you are all going through is unimaginable. Karen was an incredible person and the legacy she leaves behind of a passion for life and wholehearted love is an extraordinary gift. I know how much she loved all of you. Please know that my thoughts are with you.

Memories of Karen

Sharon Davis

We worked together at DGH. I was the ICU Coordinator. Karen was always so much fun. Never anything less than totally upbeat. She had so much energy. She was always an inspiration to us and an excellent nurse. My thoughts are with you, Dennis and the whole family. I loved her very much.

"Trivia and Oregano" Summer of 2021

Marjory Doucette

My sister "Sylvia " and I attended the "Trivia Afternoon" with the Friendship Group in the summer of 2021 at Karen and Dennis's place. We enjoyed meeting this interesting and lovely couple. Had a wonderful time and a delicious potluck. As we were leaving they had lovely little herbs in starter pots for those who wanted them. I chose an "oregano" - repotted it and placed it in the best sunny spot on my balcony. It thrived and grew so well. We used it through the summer, dried it in the late fall, and had lots for the winter and spring. I will start another one this spring and enjoy and use it just as much. This was our first and last meeting and will always remember it with pleasure. Thank-you Karen.

Our love is with you

Carol Bartlett & Stephanie Howlett


Loss is the true word for this. It is a gap, a hole in your soul. It is also a transfer of responsiblity as the touch is no longer shared, but full transferred from mother to daughter.


Karen was a light, a fire, the life in any room. Together, we will honor her spirit, generousity, and love of fun.


We are with you on this journey and all journeys. I hope you feel the huge hug we wrap around your everyday, no matter the distance.



You are in our thoughts and prayers. We want you to know that we see the pain of lossing the person you decided, everyday, to walk alongside on this journey on Earth. Our hearts are with you.


Much love,

Carol & Stephanie


Trip to PEI

Lynnette Lee

Karen and family hosted Jon and I for a few days in PEI. It was wonderful. She was kind and funny. Sitting by the fire in the back yard sticks out as we just sat and talked. It was a lovely way to spend some time. As it was our first trip to PEI in some time, I also remember Karen being quite animated about the places we should go and she was right. We had a blast. :)


Things I shared with Karen

Sue Ripley

travel buddy

card partner

quiet times

wine buddy

shopping for groceries and wine

laughing out loud

beach time and a few hot tubs

conversations on the deck


exercise and swimming

listening to her talk on the telephone



Cindy Bruce

Karen was part of my sewing group and though I have only known her for a few years, her enthusiasm for all things, ever cheerful nature and ability to connect with people was very evident from the first time that I met her. She was a force to be reckoned with and it was hard to keep up with everything she was doing as she was involved in so many activities! While most of us struggled to make one placemat or one Christmas Tree hanging, she would make a dozen! It was always heartwarming to hear her talk about her family, the grandchildren and her siblings. I have no doubt that her zest for life has been a big loss in all of your lives and I extend my sincerest sympathy to Dennis, her children and all who loved her. Karen will always be remembered.


Diane Flood

Karen had a great big smile and laughter to go with it. She was a fully alive, full loving person who deeply loved and was proud of her family. I knew her as bridge player, a quilter, nature lover and Tai Chi practitioner.

I looked up the poetry of John Masefield, which brought tears to my eyes: "a quiet sleep and a sweet dream when the trick's over". Dennis, you were her laughing fellow-rover making merry yarns. 

Memories you will cherish.

Staff DGH (Recovery Room)

Marty Gordon

Dennis and family, I was saddened to hear of Karen's passing. l worked with Karen for many years at DGH. Cherish her memories and that will help you in the coming days. 

Marty Gordon

Remembering Karen

Joan Spicer

I so remember Karen as a nurse manager at the Dartmouth General always so positive and that smile was infectious. She inspired us to be the best we could be no matter our circumstances.

Rest In Peace dear one,

 Joan Spicer

Beautiful Chance Encounters

Margaret Rockwell

My memories of Karen stem from many, many years ago in Dartmouth when I was a new teacher. My route home from Southdale School would take me by her home, where she would usually be gardening by a rambling rock wall. I looked forward to our chats and my memory of those times include dappled sunshine, two little kids and Karen's friendliness and huge smile. 

Years later, when my mum was ill in hospital, she greeted me with the words. "Margaret, I have the loveliest little nurse!" As you've probably guessed, the pert professional who eventually bustled in, in uniform and with her tiny nursing cap crowning that tremendous body of energy, was your dear wife, mother, grandmother, friend. 

I send my sincere sympathy, and also gratitude for the positive influence she had on so many lives.

Friend - partner in our bridge group (Maureen, Diane and myself) and the Charlottetown tai chi group

Veronica Grandy

First of all, Karen was so much fun - she was always in good humour with a big smile on her face.

On a tai chi trip to the Magdeline Islands, she was constantly upbeat and game for anything. She was kind and caring to all those on our trip.

At our bridge games, she not only was excellent at it but very pleasant with everyone, always making note when one of us ( the partners) made a good move etc.

I'm really going to miss her as she truly was a lovely person.


When she spoke of her family, husband, children,grandchildren siblings, aunt etc. it was with such love and warmth.


My heart goes out to all of you!

May all of the wonderful memories you have of her comfort you at this very difficult time.

Our condolences

Russell R McLean

We were shocked and saddened to hear of Karen's passing and send our deepest condolences to Dennis and the children. We got to know Karen when we were colleagues with Dennis at Prince Andrew Highschool in Dartmouth. She was a delight. Her smile lit up any room she entered.


Russ and Sheila McLean

Early Years

Brent Thompson

Karen had a zest for life that was memorable. Karen worked with my deceased mom, Phyllis at the Dartmouth General Hospital and I knew Karen as a volunteer parent, when Michael and Marianne speed skated with the Dartmouth Speed Skating Club in the 1980's. Even though it has been decades since I last saw Karen, I remember her laugh and helpful social nature. My condolescences to you Marianne and Michael and the entire family.




Brent Thompson


Patricia Berrigan

To the Mader family,

I was saddened to read of your loss of Karen. The picture says it all. She was always smiling and upbeat. We worked together at the Dartmouth Vocational School many years ago, and I did see her at the DGH on occasion. She was a lovely person, and always the same.


Pat Berrigan and family

Teacher in Dartmouth

Donna Hutchinson

I was sad to read of Karen's passing. I have very fond memories of working with Dennis and therefore sharing Karen in social gatherings. Her joy of life was always evident and they made it evident of their passion for giving to others and each other.

My sincere condolences to you, Dennis, and your families. I understand your grief with the loss of a wonderful life long partner.

Many hugs,


Goodbye Karen

Patricia Miles

Karen was always kind, patient and smiling. I remember her so fondly from working with her for years at DGH. So sorry for your loss.

Brightwood Memory

Jean McKenna

I knew Karen from her Brightwood golf days; she was probably one of the most positive people I ever met - but with her eyes wide open; no naive innocent there! A very insiring woman.

Missing my “sister”

Colleen Rogers

Karen came into my life when I was 11 years old. She had a profound effect on an impressionable young girl. She brought light and laughter and excitement into our house. Nothing was impossible for her. She encouraged me in so many ways. Every time I turn around I am reminded of her influence on me and so many others.

Retired RN, Dartmouth General

Kim Power

I remember Karen very fondly from DGH. She was an excellent nurse and a wonderful leader. Always positive and kind. She was always a good listener and was truly missed when she left Dartmouth General. I know she will forever remain in all our hearts. My deepest sympathies at this difficult time.

A few memories of a great lady and friend

Sandy and Merv McCulloch

First of all let me say how very sorry Merv and I are.

I do have a few memories that stand out. Wish I could find the pictures..

My most memorable is "The first Polar Dip (Florida Style) was so much fun and Karen was the first one in.. she was game for anything.

My second memory is a rainy day in Florida and a few of us ladies decide to make Christmas wreaths...Karen's turned out just beautiful 😍

Dennis, please know that we are thinking and praying for you all at this time. 💔

Bridge friend

Maureen Paquet

I am so shocked and saddened to see this today. I had no idea Karen was sick and was looking forward to seeing her again soon. We had a bridge foursome that enjoyed each other so much And loved our get togethers in each other's homes. She truly enjoyed life to the fullest, always had an interesting experience to share and yet always showed great interest in what others had to share. Rest peacefully dear friend. You have left an incredible footprint.

Best coworker ever

Linda Thistle - Kenney

I am so very sorry to hear that Karen has passed away.

Your wife/Mom/ Nana was a standout coworker during my 45 year nursing career (Dartmouth General).

Always had a smile, a kind word of support and/or encouragement just when it was needed.

Her laugh was amazing.

Sending condolences and hugs to all the family.


Fond memories

Nateleen and Maurice Zinck

Sending deepest sympathy to Dennis and family. Karen lit up any room she entered and was such a generous person. Have fond memories of parties she and Dennis hosted and there was always dancing.

Amazing Lady !!!

Susan Caldwell Ehler

I was so very sad to hear of Karen's passing. Such a wonderful lady always with a huge smile and a kind word. She wrote me a letter of reference when I was applying to my Physio program and I truly believe she had a huge inflence in my acceptance and my lifelong career path. I will be forever grateful to her for that. A true loss for her family, friends and community. Our heartfelt condolences to Dennis and family. We hope to share in a wonderful Celebration of her amazing life in the Spring.

Donnie and Susan Ehler.

Memory from Karen: What are some of your special talents?

Answer was provided by Karen in 2020 as part of a memory scrapbook project for her grandkids!

"Two talents that I treasure, is that of being a “Mother and a Nana K”. When Dennis and I were first married we both thought we were too young and didn’t know enough, to have children. But, the wonderful thing about being young, is that you “grow up with” your children and they teach you as much as you teach them. I always thought that the time and stage at which each of the children were, was “the best one” , until the next year came along - then it was “the best”! And now, with our grandchildren , it’s “des chez vous”! They tell us things that either we have forgotten or that we are too busy to notice!

When I was younger and filling out resumes, some of the descriptors used in them were; a synthesizer, a people person, a project planner, executor and evaluator, a team player yet able to work independently and take responsibility for results, and a manager who tried to bring out the best in staff members.

Things not in the resume but are a part of my talents (?) - are my enthusiasm for life and my positive nature and disposition. As well I have always had hobbies and an involvement in some physical workout program or sport which helped balance a busy home life and work life."

Memory from Karen: What was your first big trip together with Dennis?

Answer was provided by Karen in 2020 as part of a memory scrapbook project for her grandkids!

"Our first big trip together was on our honeymoon when we had taken 5 wks off work. We had only planned to go across Canada and to tent - but that only lasted one night because we found this motel chain called 'Travel Lodge' and could book ahead for only $12.00 a night. We had a new beige Volkswagen beetle and every crease and hollow of it was filled with confetti!

From Montreal where we lived, it took us only four days to get to the Rockies but, once we had seen Banff, Jasper, and Edmonton, we just kept gong down Oregon coast to California - exploring Disneyland, Monterey Peninsula, Big Sur, and Hearst Mansion. We bought an Eagle's Pass and took in as many National Parks as we could - Bryce Canyon, Sequoia National Park, Yellowstone Park, Mesa Verde with it's cliff dwellings and Royal Gorge going down it's incline railway to the Arkansas River and also drove through Death Valley. We saw baseball games - the Los Angeles Angels team @ Anaheim Stadium, the Cardinals team @ St Louis Busch Stadium under the Golden Arch and then hightailed it across Route 66 to get back to work -managing to see one more game - the Yankees in the Bronx, New York!

Quite a trip! Lots of wonderful memories and we repeated two similar trips later with our growing family."

Memories of Aunt Karen

Travis Comeau

Aunt Karen was full of positive energy and laughter. Whether it was sharing exciting news, focusing on trying something new, or laughing her way through elaborate family "roasts", Karen was a caring and fun-loving part of our lives.

Dennis, Rob, Mike, Michelle, and Marianne, you're all in my thoughts while you go through this difficult time.

An adopted mom to a neighbour in need.

Cyrilla Saunders

In a heartbeat, on a dime, just like that. . . there for you. We so enjoyed all that she had to give. . . and she gave a lot. . . mostly of herself. She was small in stature, but grand in love, life, wisdom and smiles. That smile. . . I never tired of seeing it. What a well lived life. I hope to never forget this grand lady. Hugs to all who had the privilege of knowing her. I miss her. But she is in my heart and memories. 💕💃

Short note

Jim and Sharon Westlake

We only knew Karen for a short time when her and Dennis stayed in our community in Florida. She instantly came across as a loving and caring person. deepest condolences to Dennis and family.

In Memory of Karen

Margaret Havey

My first memory of meeting Karen was after she married my cousin Dennis. I remember Karen as always welcoming; she always made you feel at home, no matter how seldom you saw her. She was healthy, vibrant and full of life. Truly a life cut too short. Condolences to Dennis, Robert, Michelle, Michael, and Marianne.

I am a former student of Karen's husband Dennis ...

Wendy Birt

I did not know Karen well, but here's what I did know ... she and Dennis were a team, and were always thinking of others. I sang at Dennis' retirement party many years ago, and I remember Karen making me feel so special and loved ... it was as if she also had been my teacher. Sweet, warm, and genuine. I just learned last evening (March 7, 2023) of her passing during a conversation with retired teachers who happened to be mutual friends/acquaintances with Dennis and Karen. Dennis (Mr. Mader) - I hope to visit you in PEI sometime this Spring or Summer. It was on my 2023 goal list anyway and seems even more important now. ;-)

Remembering our friend Karen

Nancy and Bruce Carr

Bruce and I met Karen and Dennis in 1980. Karen and I both worked at Dartmouth General Hospital while Bruce and Dennis were at PAHS together. Despite the difference in our ages we hit it off and became good friends. We had many things in common including golf and playing bridge. She and I even had the same birthday!

We stayed with Karen and Dennis on many occasions over the years and always enjoyed spending special time with our close friends. We were very fortunate to have met them and will miss Karen so much. Every adjective used to describe Karen by her many friends and colleagues is true. She was the best!

Sending our sincere condolences to Dennis and all the Mader family,

Nancy and Bruce

My Sister lighthouse

Mary Ellen Ripley

Ma Belle Souer & Ma Bonne Amie


My sister, Karen, has been my Lighthouse. She has been a beacon of brightness in my life. When times are troubling, she beams out to me with positive energy and light. When times are smooth, she stands tall and within view in the sunshine. Always with encouraging words when I was facing challenges. Karen would brighten my day with comic relief (and a cup of tea) when I was totally stressed. Her beacon allowed me to be a "better me". For our heart-to-heart bond and our great friendship, I feel privileged. Tu es dans mon coeur pour toujours.


I think Karen would be incredibly proud of her family for their generousity, their sharing, their caring and their brave outlook as we all face this new reality.

Thoughts from your brother

Doug Ripley

People look at an urn and think about the body, how the person you knew and loved, who moved and laughed and talked and had thoughts, is now in an urn, but I think of how she filled my life-playing cards, travelling, walking, sharing meals and adventures, teasing - together. No one knows how much it mattered to both of us. Her family is lucky enough to have experienced the wonder of Karen's life, a treasure beyond any wealth on earth.

We must savour and cherish the memories and relive those moments in our hearts.

Life is not memories of moments but moments of memories.


Student at Eric Graves Junior High

Janice (Johnston) Brien

Dennis (Mr. Mader) and family,

I was so sad to hear that Karen passed away. I only had the privilege of meeting her a few times but she certainly made an impact. Her positive attitude, energy and infectious smile were what I remember most. I am sure this is a difficult time for you but I hope you will remember all the wonderful times you shared over 55 years. She was a special woman who lived life fully. Thank you for sharing her life story in the obituary, it is a wonderful tribute for an amazing lady. I hope to adopt her approach to life - to listen with kindness, laugh with abandon and share generously.

Take care of yourselves and once again my deepest condolences

Janice, xox

Book Club

Sandie M. Cavadini

Dear Dennis and Family,


I want to offer my deepest condolences on the passing of your wonderful wife, Karen. I am a seasonal member of the Cornwall Book Club and this is where I had the utmost pleasure to interact and be with Karen. She was a valued member of our Club. She will be missed by many! May many beautiful memories sustain you and your family at this most difficult time.


Most sincerely,

Sandie Cavadini (Myrtle Beach, S.C.)

Such sadness . . .

John Paul Carnell

So sorry to hear of your loss, Dennis. Time moves so quickly but still seems 'never enough.' Karen was an inspring: wife, mother, nurse. We all knew you needed her and knew she needed you. Haven't had contact with many since I retired. Now suffer terminal cancer and heart disease. Beginnning to understand loss. Debbie and I have been married 31 years, which pales in the face of 55 years! Like so many, we may have known Karen less well but we have known you and feel such sadness for your loss of such a remarkable companion in life.


Classmate Nightingale School of Nursing 1963-65

Dorothy (Dot) Klein

Karen and I met in late Aug 1963 (60 years ago) when we began our studies to become registered nurses - graduating in 1965. Our class of '65 met every 5 years in Ontario thereafter - the last time was 2020 by Zoom.

At our last "in person" reunion in 2015 (our 50 year celebration), Karen came but had forgot to book a room at the Nottawasaga Inn where we were holding our 2 day reunion. I invited Karen to "bunk in" with Carolyn Qurk Craig and myself. Carolyn and I had a room with 2 double beds. Karen was hesitant but then agreed She would have to sleep in the same bed as me. We laughed and laughed. No one really sleeps at our reunions. We visit, laugh, talk, play skits, sing and dance the entire time.

At the end of the reunion, Karen said she needed a ride into downtown Toronto to visit with her daughter, son-in-law and young grandson. I told her that I was driving into Toronto (Bloor W and Keele) and she was welcome to come with me. She had an address and that is all we needed. What a surprise to both of us to find out that her daughter and family lived just 2 -3 streets away from my son and his family.

Karen had found a tree and some plants while out on the golf course at Nottawasaga Inn. We packaged them all up in plasic bags so she could take them back to PEI to plant in her yard and possibly give some to one of her sisters. I believe she was taking "her tree" on the plane in her hand luggage. That was Karen - fond of nature, always thinking of others (her sister, her children and grandchildren, her family). She said that everytime she would look at that tree and those plants, she would think of all the fun we had at our reunions and the long term friendships we made back in the early 60's.

I will put together some photos of Karen with her Nightingale classmates over the years and send it to you for the Celebration of Life in the Spring of 2023. Karen had invited all of us to come to PEI and "camp in her yard" and party.

If you send me the date of the Celebration, I will consider if I am up to the 2 day drive to PEI. If not, I will send my love and my prayers to all of you. Karen was very special and I will not forget her and all our wonderful memories.

Dot Klein

The Mader Family

Brian McCulloch

Very sorry to hear of Karen's passing she was a Bright Light where ever she went. 

Thinking of Dennis and all the Mader Family.

Co-worker. Friend

Rosemary Hasiuk

Dear Dennis and family, 

I was saddened to hear of Karen's passing. What a Loss! She was energetic, kind, multi-talented, adventurous ---I could go on and on.

Karen and I were co-workers back in the early seventies. She was the one who always went that extra mile for her patients. She was especially committed to focusing on rehab for people, often when there seemed to be few positives in their lives.

I was in awe of her ability to travel with little kids in tow. When I would think twice about taking the kids shopping, she would be heading off to Disneyworld.

We lost touch over the years as we lived busy lives, working and participating in family activities. However, we did work together at Continuing Care for a short time, before retirement. When I last saw her, she was still enjoying travel. I did not realize PEI became home.


I will raise a glass to a life well lived.

Sincere condolences to all of you,


Rosemary Hasiuk



Long time friends

Wayne and Jean Moore

Knowing Dennis in the early years and reconecting when he and Karen were family brings back memories of great times, from wine making, game nights, and time up at the camp. Karen was always a caring and fun loving person who had a way of making oneself feel like the world was a great place and we were privileged to be part of it.

To the family we sincerely offer our condolescences and know Karen will be missed by all who knew her.

Memory of Karen

Sylvia Wist

Karen and I were Health Service managers together at Dartmouth General and shared an office for many years. As a new manager, I looked on Karen as my mentor. We had very similar management styles; I always remember her saying 'You get more with honey than vinegar!'

While we lost track of each other many years ago, whenever I thought of her it was with a smile in my heart.

Karen will be deeply missed.❤️🙏

Retired RN

Joanne Donaldson

I had the pleasure of having Karen as a nursing coordinator at DGH. She always gave us her support and empathy.


One Year I hosted a staff Christmas party at my house....I wrote a song to honour Karen and we had her get in the middle of our circle and we all sang to her. We all thought very highly of her.


I know her family will miss her happy smile and enthusiasm for life.

Golfing Buddy

Gloria McCluskey

Always lighting up the day with that sweet smile. Fun to play golf with. Condolences to Dennis and family. Cherish all the wonderful memories.

PEI Friend

Jane Berberich

I’ll always remember Karen’s joy of life. I met her through our friendship group in PEI. She was always so much fun no matter what we were doing. I share her passion for quilting so I loved to see her latest projects. She inspired me. I will miss her so much. She was a light in our world. ♥️♥️♥️

Not a memory, just some thoughts

Cheryl Conrad

I have known Karen for decades but really only started to get to know her better in recent years. I enjoyed her laughter and her joyous nature. She was so generous with her time and wonderfully helpful. She taught me many things. Karen’s family was so important to her. She was in her element when she had people around her. I will miss her energy and her huge smile. The world doesn’t shine as brightly without her.

Retired LPN

Anne Tweedie

Karen was my manager at DGH - she was always so pleasant and a great listener.

Neighbor / friend

Joanne and Brian Hall

Karen was one of a kind . She is going to be missed, heaven has gained another angel. Dennis and family you're in our thoughts and prayers.

Memory of Karen

Doris and Peter Thorpe.

We were shocked to hear of Karen's passing. She was always so healthy and a bundle of energy and positivity. May she Rest In Peace. Condolences to Dennis and their family.

The Trip to Virginia Beach and The Civil War Battle Fields

Frank Mason

One of my favourite memories of Karen was my trip to Virginia Beach with Karen, Dennis, Betty Ann (Dennis' sister), and Robbie during the March Break in the early 70's. Robbie was only a few days old, but Karen was game for going the the trip. We set off with Dennis driving the Volkswagen Van, me in the passenger seat, and Karen in the back on a matress with baby Robbie. It was a beautiful trip and Karen was up to the task of enjoying herself and tending to Robbie. I had many other enjoyable moments with Karen and her family over the ensuing years. The obituary was a beautiful tribute and captured Karen's love of life and people to a tee. God Bless!

Dennis and family

Randy ball

Dear Dennis and Family

So sorry for your loss. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family at these mist difficult times.

Randy Ball

Retired R.N.

Shirley MacDonald

Karen & I started on the same day @ DGH. We had work friendship. She was a wonderful person & nurse. Feeling so sad for her family who she was so devoted to. My deepest sympathies.

Karen the Nurse

Donna Cameron RN

I had the pleasure to work with Karen at Dartmouth General Hospital. I am a registered nurse and Karen was my mentor, friend, teacher, protector, coordinator, and later director of nursing. She was an amazing co-worker, always protective of her staff. Karen's expectations were high, she was such an inspiration to her staff. The patient was always first and foremost.

With out a doubt she was an inspiration to any one who had the privilege to work with her. I will never forget her!

She spoke of her family with such pride, and with such a big smile!!

I'm sure she is smiling down on all of us from heaven!!💕

Condolences to all of you

Bradley MacAulay (Karen’s favorite Plumber!!)

I want to send my condolences to the entire family, I worked many many times for Karen and Dennis on PEI at their properties, I used to mainly be the one to go work for them as I just loved the conversations we'd all get lost in, whether it was current events, weather or raising kids. We had a lot of common ground, she was just the salt of the earth. I hope you all take care and keep here memory close to your hearts.

Rory's memories of Nana K

Click for Rory's video memories of Nana K (Turn sound on)

Memories written and narrated by Rory Forest (age 8), one of Nana K's grandkids. Parents Marianne Mader and Andy Forest.


"Nana K was wonderful. She was always so kind and loving, and she always had a smile on her face.

She loved to do things with me and the family. One of my favorite memories was going to the beach. We went to the beach together multiple times. We walked through the water. We built sandcastles together. I like finding clams and crabs and showing them to Nana K. 

I love visiting Nana K’s house. I like picking blueberries with Nana K. I like having fires and roasting marshmallows in the backyard. We always eat mussels together and they are always delicious. She would always play games with me and my brother, sisters and cousins. 

I really liked it when we went to Shining Waters. Nana K came on the roller coaster with me. She was always trying new things and having fun.

I loved it when Nana K came to visit in September. Nana K came right into the fountain with me. It was very awesome and we got very soaked together. She would always do things together with me. I really love when Nanna K would read to me. I like the sound of her voice.

Even though Nana K is no longer with us, I will always remember all of the special times we had together. 

We love you Nana K."

Memory from Karen: Were you involved in any organizations in high school?

Answer was provided by Karen in 2020 as part of a memory scrapbook project for her grandkids!

"Our Lambton Kent District High School had 500 students from grades 9-13 - some from the town of Dresden and others were bused in from the towns and farms close by. In High School, I was a member of the Girls Basketball team, Volleyball team, Track & Field team (high jump, broad jump and long distance running were my best sports) and School Cheerleaders Club. Because we took Home Economics only in Grade 9, my Mother enrolled all the girls in our family in 4H Club - I completed all 12 projects. In 4H Club I learned to sew, garden, social dance, make displays or group skits for Achievement Day and to speak in front of groups about a display. 

In grade 11, I had the honour of representing our school, at an Athletic Leadership Camp at Lake Couchiching where I learned to play soccer. All students in our school had to participate in the Cadet Core. The girls and guys were in separate platoons for marching drills for the Rememerance Day Ceremony held at our school. The girl Captains had to wear the red school blazer with short skirts (measured exact inches above the knee) and we cadets wore our red gym uniform. The guys could enroll in gun target practice (held in an underground area at our school) and wore army uniforms or gym shorts depending on their rank. 

During high school, we collected points for involvement/awards, which could earn you a "LK-DHS" letter on graduation - I earned one of these letters.Throughout High School, I went to Young People's Club (YPC) and attended two mixed United Church YPC summer camps (with my sister Bertha) which had young people attending from all over southern Ontario. Every Sunday evening, our YPC skated at our local arena."

Memory from Karen: What is one of the most beautiful places you've ever been?

Answer was provided by Karen in 2020 as part of a memory scrapbook project for her grandkids!

"There are many places we have visited over the years and each of them of them have special memories attached to them -

  • relaxing places like our end of summer camp BK ( before kids) vacation at Stella Maris Inn on Long Island in Caribbean Sea;

  • fun making places like Disneyland from 0800 till 1200 with our 4 children;

  • exciting places like the loop to loop rollercoaster at Nestles Park;

  • fear conquering places like "The Nose" jump into the depths of the clear cold waters of Englishman River in Victoria BC;

  • memory making places like the 5 wk, last family vacation a coast to coast trip in our newly won station wagon with our 4 children;

  • spiritual places like the view of the Grand Canyon or exploring the depths of the Mammoth Caves,

  • awe inspiring places like Lake Louise in the Rocky Mountains or the top of the chair lift at Banft National Park;

--- but the most beautiful places are here in PEI where we live - relaxing coastal beaches of Darnley Beach or Stanley Beach where you sit in a lawn chair and listen to the rhythmic ocean waves lapping at your feet while you read a book --- or driving through the rustic farm country roads, breathing in the fresh air and mesmerized by all the myriad of different colours of green one can see and suddenly see the farmland merging into the ocean.

Simple visual teasures, truly beautiful!"

Memories of Karen

© 2022 by In Memory of Karen Mader. 

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